Marilyn Scholl

Marilyn Scholl
CDS Consulting Co-op
Marilyn Scholl specializes in leadership development, board training, facilitation, membership development and Policy Governance. She has worked with food cooperatives for over 25 years, including nine years as a general manager and nine years with the University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives.

Author's Articles

Title Issue Datesort ascending

It takes a lot to manage a food co-op. Co-op general managers (GMs) are responsible not only for the retail operations but also for budgeting, financial analysis, marketing, inform

183 Mar-Apr 2016 March 28, 2016

In the January/February 2014 issue of Cooperative Grocer magazine, we introduced the Four Pillars of Cooperative Governance as a model for the co-op sector to steer our cooperatively owned

171 March-April 2014 March 25, 2014

Great leaders demonstrate how to be a force for good in local communities and beyond.

170 January - February 2014 February 6, 2014

The Blueprint for a Cooperative Decade is the overarching agenda for the ICA, its members, and the cooperative movement. It is a five-point plan with individual strategies:


170 January - February 2014 February 6, 2014

Creating solutions begins with building the foundation for the future you want.

148 May - June - 2010 June 4, 2010
119 July - August - 2005 January 21, 2009
140 January - February - 2009 January 21, 2009

Boards of directors are the critical link between owners and management in the accountability chain for a cooperative.

130 May - June - 2007 January 20, 2009

Interest in food cooperatives is growing, due both to increased interest in local, natural, and organic foods and to increased awareness of our economic vulnerability.

136 may - june - 2008 January 19, 2009
The key to exceptional services lies in building relationships, and in the quality of relationships, with customers and with employees.

073 November - December - 1997 January 9, 2004

Food cooperatives around the country are talking about Policy Governance -- a system of board leadership developed by John Carver.

078 September - October - 1998 January 9, 2004

Long before "just do it" became part of the American lexicon, the teenaged Homer Hickam, inspired by the launch of Sputnik in 1957 and fueled by a desire to beat the Russians at the space race, dec

102 September - October - 2002 January 8, 2004

Do the following statements or situations sound familiar in our cooperatives?

083 July - August - 1999 January 8, 2004

The relationship between the board and the general manager is probably the most important relationship in a co-op.

084 September - October - 1999 January 8, 2004

Members are the lifeblood of a co-op: a truism of cooperatives. Without members, a co-ops wouldn't be a co-op; it would be just another local grocery store.

080 January - February - 1999 January 8, 2004

What we love most about co-ops is the emphasis on people.

088 May - June - 2000 January 8, 2004