Ellen Michel

Cooperative Grocer Network
Phone Number

Author's Articles

Title Issuesort descending Date

A nationwide wave of new food co-ops continues, supported by Food Co-op Initiative, National Co-op Grocers, CDS Consulting Co-op, CGN, and other collaborative support groups.

December 17, 2014

 If your co-op has been active on CGN, you know that we rely on Account Managers as the gatekeepers and CGN connectors at their stores.

January 20, 2015

The CGN Annual Meeting will take place on 

Wednesday June 29 at 2:30 Eastern 

via web conferen

June 21, 2016

Wednesday June 29 at 2:30 Eastern 1:30 Central

12:30 Mountain 11:30 Pacific / 10:30 AK / 8:30 HI

June 21, 2016

As we go to press with this issue of Cooperative Grocer, the Cooperative Grocer Network (CGN) board is planning its involvement in the Up & Coming Conference taking plac

March 6, 2017

In March 2017, the CGN board met for a retreat just before and during the Up & Coming Food Co-op conference. During two days of deep conversation, we identified our chief initiative: working to

January 27, 2018

About the CGN board

February 10, 2018

The 8th North American edition of the Sustainable Foods Summit took place in San Francisco in late January.

April 3, 2018

How often have you heard it: “We don’t do a good enough job of telling our stories.” Like references to “the new normal” or the current never-ending chaos of political

June 29, 2018

It’s that second cooperative principle: Democratic Member Control. 

March 10, 2016

While assembling this issue of Cooperative Grocer, I’ve been reading, rereading, and reflecting on its contents.

October 21, 2018

The Fall 2015 issue of The LEADer, Dealing with a Downturn, is available at the LEAD Program Space.

Endcap Articles October 6, 2015

Food co-ops are hardly the only ones experiencing greater competitive pressures.

Endcap Articles December 7, 2015

104 January - February - 2003 January 7, 2004

Annual meetings: you gotta love ’em.

112 May - June - 2004 June 9, 2004

At the CCMA conference in the Twin Cities last June, attendees were treated to screenings of two short films, each of which had been made the year before in a whirlwind of inspiration and homegrown

115 November - December - 2004 February 11, 2005

On Saturday, November 13, 2004, Bloomingfoods Market and Deli and its Encore Café helped cater a fundraising reception for The Kinsey Institute, celebrating the premiere of the Fox Searchlight film

116 January - February - 2005 January 21, 2009

The word branding sometimes conjures images of bucking broncos, rodeos where livestock are marked with an indelible sign.

117 March - April - 2005 January 21, 2009

Steve Stroup, co-op and community development coordinator at Bloomington Cooperative Services (Bloomingfoods) in Bloomington, Indi., is busy working on a presentation to the Bloomingfoods board abo

121 November - December - 2005 January 21, 2009

The co-op where I work in Bloomington, Indiana, is 30 years old this year, so we’ve been going through old boxes unearthing archival materials.

124 May - June - 2006 January 20, 2009