2016 Call for CGN Board Nominations

It’s that second cooperative principle: Democratic Member Control.
Each year Cooperative Grocer Network (CGN) holds a board election, and we are now announcing our 2016 call for candidates. There are three open spots on our seven-person board, and two incumbents are running.
CGN board members work in the service of our mission: To strengthen all retail food co-ops by creating community and promoting the sharing and development of resources among members.
As a networking hub focused on connecting people from all corners of our sector, CGN offers an online collaborative platform that enables communication among board members and operational staff in our stores. CGN also includes the voices and perspectives of others who provide support to food co-ops. We also oversee the production and preservation of this magazine, Cooperative Grocer. Serving on the CGN board is a great professional development opportunity, allowing you to engage with peers from across the country, bringing a passion for good governance, community sharing, food co-op success, and collaboration.
Here are the details on this year’s election:
CGN’s bylaws require that an individual must be affiliated with and authorized by a primary or associate member to serve on the CGN board. No CGN member organization may have more than one person serving on the board at a time. Staff members as well as directors of member co-ops are eligible to run.
Board composition–CGN’s board of directors is made up of up to seven elected directors. All directors are elected by CGN’s members on an at-large basis. Only CGN’s primary members (retail co-ops) have voting authority.
The CGN board participates in and meets briefly after the CGN annual meeting, scheduled this year as a web conference call to take place at 2:30 p.m. (EST) on Wednesday, June 29.
After the CGN annual meeting, the board verifies a schedule of one conference call meeting each month for the upcoming year. These meetings generally last 60–90 minutes. Additional conference call meetings may be scheduled as needed.
Board members are expected to attend and participate in every meeting. Dates are scheduled one year in advance to avoid conflicts and to ensure full attendance. CGN board service is estimated at three hours per month. Per CGN’s bylaws, directors may be asked to step down if they miss three board meetings in a year.
The CGN board also holds a strategic planning session every 12–24 months, sometimes the Wednesday before or Sunday after CCMA.
Governance style
CGN’s board is an operational board, with the goal of developing policies to transition to a policy governance board. The board makes use of committees to help get specific board tasks done, and each director is expected to serve on at least one committee. There are two standing committees: nominations and elections, as well as executive director evaluation and compensation. Other committees are ad hoc—a recent example was when two directors delved into the inner workings of our website to see if we were on track with the new design.
Board terms are for three years and begin at the time of the election.
Compensation and expense reimbursement–While CGN is committed to reimbursing directors for all expenses incurred in their service to CGN, the budget to do so is very limited. Directors are asked to communicate their expenses and needs for reimbursement to the CGN office to avoid cost overruns. No compensation is provided for board service, and traditionally a director’s co-op covers the costs for a director to attend CCMA.
For further information, contact either member of the nominating committee:
Martha Whitman, [email protected] or 505-804-0947
Zafra Whitcomb, [email protected] or 207-338-2532
or the CGN office: Ellen Michel, [email protected] ♦
Hello Cooperative Grocer Network members,
Cooperative Grocer Network continues to grow as an important resource in our food co-op community. As members of CGN’s nominating committee, we are notifying you of our upcoming board of directors elections and asking for your help to recruit some great candidates to serve
with us.
There are three open spots this year on our seven-person board and two incumbents running. Staff members as well as directors of member co-ops are eligible to run.
Please have your candidate email or call us for further information and to request a candidate packet. Or drop us a line with a tip of someone you think we should contact.
Applications are due by April 4.
Thank you!
Martha Whitman and Zafra Whitcomb
[email protected] or 505-804-0947
[email protected] or 207-338-2532
Nominating Committee
Cooperative Grocer Network
April 4: Applications due to Nominating Committee.
April 11: Nominating Committee announces its selection
of candidates to the Board.
April 21: All candidates must submit background information
and head shot photo to be included in the ballot mailing to all members. The Board finalizes the eligible candidate list.
May 2: Ballot mailing goes out via email. Candidate
information will also be posted on CGN's website and email notification will be sent to all CGN account representatives regarding the online election information.
June 10–11: CGN will have some presence at the CCMA conference and help candidates meet voters.
June 29, 2:30 p.m. EST: CGN online annual meeting. Deadline for ballots. Election results announced.
New directors’ terms begin.
Annie Hoy – 2016, president (Ashland Food Co-op)
Martha Whitman – 2018, treasurer (La Montanita Food Co-op)
Douglas Walter – 2016, secretary (Davis Food Co-op)
Marc BrownGold – 2017 (Willy Street Food Co-op)
Dan Gillotte – 2017 (Wheatsville Food Co-op)
Eric Struve – 2016 (Outpost Natural Foods Co-op)
Zafra Whitcomb – 2018 (Belfast Co-op)