CGN Annual Board Election 2017

About the CGN board
It’s time for the annual Cooperative Grocer Network (CGN) board election. CGN’s board is made up of seven elected directors. Directors must be affiliated with and authorized by a primary or associate member organization. Any CGN member organization can nominate one person at a time to serve as a director. Directors are elected by representatives of the retail food co-op members of CGN. Their term is for three years, beginning at the time of the CGN annual meeting, when results of the election are announced.
This year’s election: We have three candidates, two of whom will win board seats. The third candidate will be invited to attend meetings as a guest, to learn more about how to participate in CGN and work with the board (if so inclined) in some capacity. We always welcome interest in our board and its activities, and strive to have a board that represents the diversity of our stores—welcoming differences of race, region, religion, age, ability, experience, perspective, and background. Our board strives to create an organization that represents all food co-ops—large and small, established and emerging—and those organizations that support them.
2017 Candidates
Allison Hermes
Principle Six (P6) Cooperative Trade Movement, National Director
I am the National Director for the Principle Six (P6) Cooperative Trade Movement, a multi-stakeholder cooperative comprised of wholesale and retail cooperatives that supports small, local and cooperative farmers and producers at shelf. I have been supporting the cooperative and organic food movement since 2010 with organizations such as Divine Chocolate and Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative.
I am excited to run for the CGN board because I believe Cooperative Grocer is an essential publication for the industry, both for cooperative wholesalers and retailers. Additionally, I am confident there is opportunity to continuing to develop the publication and the CGN online products into a robust resource of information and inspiration for leaders in the cooperative food industry. I have been serving on the CGN board for the last 9 months, filling a midterm vacancy.
Angelika Matthews
Seward Co-op, Franklin Store Deli Manager, Minneapolis, Minnesota
I am interested in having a broader voice in my co-op community and striving to help communities have clear access to healthier/organic/local food sources. I also want to know more about how I can help make change in my community and in others. I strive to be a part of the bigger mission of the CGN organization: networking and being a part of a larger discussion with peers from around the nation, being a part of change.
As of 2010 co-ops were foreign to me; I started working for the Willy Street Co-op in 2011 and haven’t looked back. Food access and justice is important to me. I want to continue my journey and make sure my voice is heard for the people I represent.
Megan Webster
University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives, Outreach Specialist, Madison, Wisconsin
Working for UWCC as outreach specialist, I implement outreach and education programs related to cooperatives, including the CCMA conference, Farmer Cooperatives conference, customized education programs for international visitors, and director education. My interests include community building and outreach, cooperative education, and political activism.
By serving on CGN board of directors, I hope to contribute to the growth of the food cooperative sector and contribute to the meaningful connections that CGN fosters. Additionally, serving on the board will help me to develop content and ensure that CCMA continues to be a valuable, and impactful conference for food co-ops. Thank you for your consideration!
Current Cooperative Grocer Network Board
Thank you to our current board members, who serve with dedication, good humor, optimism, and resolve:
Annie Hoy, CGN Board President, Outreach and Communications Manager, Ashland Food Co-op, Ashland, Oregon
Zafra Whitcomb, CGN Vice President, IT and Finance Systems Manager, Belfast Co-op, Belfast, Maine
Martha Whitman, CGN Treasurer, Consultant, CDS Consulting
Co-op, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Erika Gavin, at-large, Art Director, Hanover Co-op Food Stores, Hanover and Lebanon, New Hampshire, and White River Junction, Vermont
Allison Hermes, at-large, National Director, Principle Six Cooperative Trade Movement
Eric Struve, at-large, Director of IT, Outpost Natural Foods
Co-op, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
About Our Annual Meeting
The 2017 CGN Annual Meeting will take place via conference call on Friday, August 25, at 2:30 EDT. Let us know via email if you’d like to attend, and we will send you a link.
In order to get an accurate picture of our attendees, we ask that each person at your co-op who wishes to participate send a personal request for the Annual Meeting link. Your organization does not need to be a current member of CGN for you to attend the Annual Meeting.
Reserve a spot for our Annual Meeting, Friday August 25, 2:30 EDT. Email a request to:
As we get closer to the date, you will receive an email with meeting details and a link inviting you to attend. Others from your co-op or member organization are also invited to request the link. ♦