Dave Gutknecht

Dave Gutknecht has been editor of Cooperative Grocer magazine since its founding in 1985.
Author's Articles
Title | Issue |
Date![]() |
109 November - December - 2003 | December 1, 2003 |
A proposal to redefine their regional and national associations has generated intense discussion among food cooperative managers and organizational leaders. |
110 January - February - 2004 | December 29, 2003 |
New tradition: thanks locallyAt the farmers market or a co-op, I'm thankful for wonderful food and the hardworking producers who supply it. |
110 January - February - 2004 | December 29, 2003 |
Values and endsThis publication's editorial advisory board recently approved a statement of ends and values for Cooperative Grocer: |
108 September - October - 2003 | January 7, 2004 |
107 July - August - 2003 | January 7, 2004 |
107 July - August - 2003 | January 7, 2004 |
107 July - August - 2003 | January 7, 2004 |
106 May - June - 2003 | January 7, 2004 | |
105 March - April - 2003 | January 7, 2004 |
Co-op Devolution Part 2 |
104 January - February - 2003 | January 7, 2004 |
One hundred issues of Cooperative Grocer: it's a nice round figure, 100, but I haven't been able to attach much significance to the number of this editio |
100 May - June - 2002 | January 7, 2004 |
Redwood forests and food cooperatives: Near the westernmost point of California, these two seemingly unrelated systems impressed me in parallel ways while attending the Consumer Cooperativ |
101 July - August - 2002 | January 7, 2004 |
101 July - August - 2002 | January 7, 2004 |
100 May - June - 2002 | January 7, 2004 |
We're pleased and excited to announce that at its October 20 meeting the board of directors of the National Cooperative Grocers Association (NCGA) approved the ac |
103 November - December - 2002 | January 7, 2004 |
One co-op begins and another closes. One door opens and another shuts. The recent fates of retail as well as wholesale food cooperatives reflect common lessons. |
103 November - December - 2002 | January 7, 2004 |
This is the second annual Cooperative Grocer Human Resources (HR) Survey report. |
100 May - June - 2002 | January 7, 2004 |
Better co-op stores and stronger regional and national co-op associations are gratifying results based on years of groundwork. |
099 March - April - 2002 | January 7, 2004 |
Food co-op trends reached a remarkable turning point this summer in scenarios that accelerated the decline of cooperatively owned distributors and underscored the crucial role that boards of direct |
102 September - October - 2002 | January 7, 2004 |
Education, as noted in my previous editorial, is key to sustaining a leading position in our competitive market -- education supported by example and an inspiring vision. |
094 May - June - 2001 | January 7, 2004 |