Carolee Colter

CDS Consulting Co-op
Carolee Colter is a member of CDS Consulting Co-op and is based in Nelson, British Columbia.

Author's Articles

Title Issuesort ascending Date

Is it inevitable that all "new wave" co-ops founded in the 1970s will end up with general managers?

051 March - April - 1994 January 9, 2004

On July 26, 1992, businesses with at least 25 employees became subject to the Americans with Disabilities Act. On July 26, 1994, employers of at least 15 will be required to follow suit.

044 January - February - 1993 January 9, 2004

One morning Tim found a note in his mail box at the co-op when he arrived for work. It read, "We'll be here to do your evaluation at 4:30 today.

048 September - October - 1993 January 9, 2004

I don't want to disappoint my readers. This article is not going to tell you where to find a general manager.

061 November - December - 1995 January 9, 2004

How do co-op employees feel about the co-op as an employer? How satisfied are they with their compensation, their working conditions, their supervision, and their co-workers?

063 March - April - 1996 January 9, 2004

"Many a man would rather have you hear his tale than grant his request.
--G.K Chesterton

055 November - December - 1994 January 9, 2004

Rather than "salaried or hourly," the question actually should be, "Exempt or non-exempt?

070 May - June - 1997 January 9, 2004

"Culture" maybe hard to define, but the signs of a dysfunctional workplace culture are hard to ignore. Do any of these sound like your co-op?

074 January - February - 1998 January 8, 2004

What you are trying to find out through an investigation is:

066 September - October - 1996 January 9, 2004

Disaster: a "bad star." That's the derivation of this ancient Greek word. If a comet is hurling toward the earth, or our sun goes super-nova, there is nothing to be done.

079 November - December - 1998 January 9, 2004

What we love most about co-ops is the emphasis on people.

088 May - June - 2000 January 8, 2004

Say the board of directors at your co-op has adopted a set of policies to ensure a successor for the general manager. Now management's work begins.

085 November - December - 1999 January 8, 2004

I don't have any statistics on this, but I'd bet that the vast majority of natural foods co-ops started out as collectively run organizations.

082 May - June - 1999 January 8, 2004

With the slowing of the economy, many co-ops and other natural food stores are noticing a slight easing in the difficulty of recruiting and retaining workers.

095 July - August - 2001 January 8, 2004

What went wrong?

092 January - February - 2001 January 8, 2004

Why do some people enjoy a job and stay with it for years, while others seem unhappy and eventually leave? Or they stay o

098 January - February - 2002 January 7, 2004
146 January - February - 2010 December 31, 2009
143 July - August - 2009 July 2, 2009
141 March - April - 2009 March 5, 2009

Back in 1997 I wrote a manual for the “Toolbox for Co-op Boards of Directors” series, published by Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund and distributed by Cooperative Grocer.

139 November - December - 2008 January 19, 2009