114 September - October - 2004

Issue Number
Issue Months
September - October
Issue Year
2 004

Issue's Articles

Title Issue Datesort descending

Today’s food consumers are looking for quality, freshness, and food products they can trust. Increasingly, their food buying decisions reflect their environmental and social values.

114 September - October - 2004 October 21, 2004

For the coming year we have high hopes for the growth of the Cooperative Community Fund program. Looking ahead, here are the results that we anticipate:

114 September - October - 2004 October 21, 2004

The accolades in the press after USDA Secretary Ann Veneman withdrew a series of highly controversial guidance documents proved to be short-lived.

114 September - October - 2004 October 26, 2004
Cooperatives nationwide will highlight their economic and charitable contributions to their communities as part of the annual October marking of Co-op Month.

114 September - October - 2004 October 26, 2004
The trustees of the Howard Bowers Fund and the Cooperative Development Foundation ask that your store participate in the seventh Howard Bowers Day, which will be held on October 9 this year.
114 September - October - 2004 October 26, 2004

With America so politically divided between left and right, it might be easy for grocery co-ops to see a vast gulf between themselves and the mainstream.

114 September - October - 2004 October 26, 2004

Have you ever said to yourself, “Thank heaven we’ve found someone to fill the position for general manager or produce mansger or deli manager?” They seemed nice enough at the interview.

114 September - October - 2004 October 26, 2004

For 12 years, the Berkshire Co-op Market community discussed expanding its Great Barrington, Massachusetts store. Late in 2001, the board of directors began the project in earnest.

114 September - October - 2004 October 27, 2004

The small community of Barneveld, Wisconsin (population 1,100), opened its grocery cooperative, Harvest Market Cooperative, on July 10, 2004 and had its grand opening on July 24.

114 September - October - 2004 October 27, 2004

In 2001, after 21 years as a “vegetarian” food co-op, the Takoma Park-Silver Spring Food Co-op of Maryland (TPSS) faced a crisis of principles: many of its member-owners wanted it to start selling

114 September - October - 2004 October 27, 2004

What is member linkage? How do we know if we’re doing enough? Shouldn’t members be more “involved” with our co-op?

114 September - October - 2004 October 27, 2004

The theme of cooperatives’ contributions to their communities is a well chosen one for activities promoting cooperatives—for more, see p. 12.

114 September - October - 2004 March 28, 2006

At our seventh annual meeting this year in Minneapolis, Cooperative Grocers’ Information Network (CGIN) members enthusiastically offered up contributions of all types.

114 September - October - 2004 December 27, 2008