Dave Gutknecht

Phone Number

Dave Gutknecht has been editor of Cooperative Grocer magazine since its founding in 1985.

Author's Articles

Title Issue Date

Blooming Prairie Foundation announced in June the recipients of its 2005 grant awards. This is the first year that the foundation has awarded grants, which totaled over $250,000.

120 September - October - 2005 December 5, 2005

Directors, managers, staff, and allies of food co-ops met in Albuquerque during June 9–11 for the annual CCMA (Consumer Cooperative Management Association) conference.

119 July - August - 2005 August 22, 2005

Take note of the recently announced campaign by the National Cooperative Business Association, promoting co-ops as "not for profit" and "operating at cost." In the Cooperative B

072 September - October - 1997 March 20, 2005

[Several readers responded to the previous editorial on co-op purpose, which quoted from a column by Russ Notar.  Following those letters and a response are a separate letter and

073 November - December - 1997 March 20, 2005

Social capital, as distinct from private capital, is a philosophical foundation of cooperatives and a kind of ultimate realization of our efforts.

068 January - February - 1997 March 20, 2005

In late September the National Cooperative Grocers Association (NCGA) announced that Don McLemore has been named chief executive officer.

115 November - December - 2004 February 11, 2005

Running through several of the stories and reports in this edition is a theme of resurgence and renewal among cooperatives.

115 November - December - 2004 November 30, 2004

Cooperative Service:
Gail Graham

113 July - August - 2004 August 26, 2004

"How will you headline your report? ‘Too Much Love in the Air’?” one manager asked me.

113 July - August - 2004 August 26, 2004

By late April, regional food co-op associations will decide whether to transfer their assets and primary identity to a restructured national organization.

112 May - June - 2004 June 8, 2004

The disasters wrought by petrochemical farming are in the news, so much so that one forgets what happened only two years ago. And this forgetting, too, is part of the problem.

001 October - November - 1985 January 9, 2004


Having members of a retail food cooperative contribute labor toward the operation of their store is one of those practices that is wholly unnecessary or even undesirable in the

001 October - November - 1985 January 9, 2004

135, March-April 2008 January 9, 2004

The past year has been a difficult one for Associated Cooperatives Inc. (ACI), the wholesale in Richmond, California, and for some of its member retail co-ops.

004 April - May - 1986 January 9, 2004

Art Danforth died May 10, 1987, at the age of 74, after five decades of consumer cooperative activism and public service.

011 June - July - 1987 January 9, 2004

008 December - January - 1987 January 9, 2004

"Boon or Bane?" was the title question in a section on member labor in the first issue of Cooperative Grocer (October-November 1985).

008 December - January - 1987 January 9, 2004

008 December - January - 1987 January 9, 2004

Why Co-ops Die: An Historical Analysis

By Robert Grott

009 February - March - 1987 January 9, 2004

The imminent forced sale of two major food co-ops -- Consumers Cooperative of Berkeley (C.C.

018 August - September - 1988 January 9, 2004