Dave Gutknecht

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Dave Gutknecht has been editor of Cooperative Grocer magazine since its founding in 1985.

Author's Articles

Title Issue Date

Local food projects highlighted in these pages are essential components of a future that in many ways will be much more constrained, requiring us to come closer to living within resource limits.

154 May - June - 2011 April 25, 2011
New studies and a documentary reinforce a key organic message: pesticides are damaging to children and adults.
Endcap Articles April 25, 2011

Defending the brand and principles of cooperatives in light of new laws:

Endcap Articles March 24, 2011

Events are accelerating. Recently, discussing the early years of many of today's food co-ops, a friend remarked how much faster things seem to be occurring.

153 March - April - 2011 March 16, 2011
The National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture is urging immediate pressure on U.S. Senators to prevent deep cuts to funding of programs for organic and sustainable farming and food production.
Endcap Articles March 4, 2011
Even if you missed recent key conferences on organics, you can get audio recordings of the many valuable speakers and workshop discussions.
Endcap Articles March 4, 2011

Creative proposals and inspiring stories illustrate ways to advance the cooperative agenda.

152 January - February - 2011 February 1, 2011

Updating the story on food safety legislation.

Endcap Articles January 5, 2011
Tom Philpot at Grist, www.grist.org, continues to contribute excellent reporting on food and pharm corporations.
Endcap Articles December 13, 2010

Securing adequate capital from members as well as external sources is a primary ­cooperative challenge.

151 November - December 2010 December 8, 2010

I remember learning balance sheet basics at some of my earliest co-op meetings. "A = L + C" was written for all to see, then explained again and again: Assets = Liabilities + Capital.

151 November - December 2010 December 8, 2010
[“Rootstock” Part 3: 2009, unpublished]
Endcap Articles November 20, 2010

[Originally published in "RootStock," Spring-Summer 2009]

Endcap Articles November 20, 2010
Animal response to fire typically is described as fear and flight. Yet I have noticed many times that the smell of seasoned oak in a wood-burning stove is so savory that it makes my mouth water.
Endcap Articles November 12, 2010
Adding to the earlier version of this story: National Sustainable Agriculture Committee has released a new report on food safety: “A Sustainable Agriculture Perspective on Food Safety.”
Endcap Articles October 25, 2010

[First published 2008 in Organic Valley's Rootstock.]

Click here for Part 2.

Endcap Articles October 7, 2010

While completing its 35th year of advancing cooperative enterprise, the Cooperative Fund of New England (CFNE) is extending loans at a record pace.

150 September - October 2010 October 5, 2010

The risk of salmonella poisoning at poultry operations with atrocious practices led to a massive egg recall totaling over 500 million eggs and reaching more than 22 states.  It is driving consumers

Endcap Articles September 5, 2010

An noteworthy article by Anna Lappe, Three Pillars of a Food Revolution appeared recently in Yes! magazine.

Endcap Articles September 5, 2010

Here is a quote, from David Orr’s book Down to the Wire, which captures the scope of what we need to be doing to build the transition to a more resilient and possibly sustainable society:

“Every increase in local capacity to grow food, generate energy, repair,

Endcap Articles September 5, 2010