Carolee Colter

CDS Consulting Co-op
Carolee Colter is a member of CDS Consulting Co-op and is based in Nelson, British Columbia.

Author's Articles

Title Issuesort descending Date

"The board makes policy and management implements policy." It sounds so simple. But developing and administering personnel policy in your particular co-op may get confusing.

018 August - September - 1988 January 9, 2004

Ten years ago Karen Zimbelman and I conducted our first employee survey. In 1996 we shared the trends we observed in surveys we'd done (Cooperative Grocer, No.

101 July - August - 2002 December 27, 2008

An applicant's past performance in previous jobs is one of the best indicators you will get of how she will perform on the job.

025 November - December - 1989 January 9, 2004

Personnel files are not a sign of encroaching bureaucracy. Even very small organizations should have them.

015 February - March - 1988 June 7, 2004

In a previous article ("Enjoying Employing," Cooperative Grocer #18, August-September 1988), I discussed the players and their respective roles in development of personnel policy.

020 December - January - 1988 January 9, 2004

I'll never forget my interview for the personnel coordinator job in a collective. I was questioned by 25 people at a meeting.

011 June - July - 1987 January 9, 2004

Whether you oversee a whole department of employees or one assistant manager or an ever-changing group of volunteers, you as a supervisor are ultimately responsible for the work of others.

006 August - September - 1986 January 9, 2004

Staff turnover may not be measurable in costs, but it can seriously cripple a co-op. All employees of more than a few months represent a significant investment in training.

003 February - March - 1986 January 9, 2004

An audit can be described as an unbiased examination and evaluation of systems and processes of an organization in order to demonstrate whether they are in compliance with a standard.

161 July - August - 2012 August 7, 2012

Note: There are additional charts in the pdf version of the story.

156 September - October - 2011 October 5, 2011

In the previous edition of this magazine (CG #151, November–December 2010) we read about the progress of the Domestic Fair Trade Association in establishing principles for domestic fair trade.

152 January - February - 2011 February 3, 2011

As we go about our work of assessing organizational structures and conducting employee surveys in food co-ops, we frequently encounter an ongoing struggle between the marketing department (or lone

162 September-October 2012 September 25, 2012

Don’t open a shop unless you like to smile. 

– Chinese proverb

165 March-April 2013 April 11, 2013

As we all know, the baby boom generation is hitting retirement age. Roughly a quarter of the U.S. population was born between 1946 and 1964, and every month a quarter million more are turning 65.

176 January-February 2015 February 13, 2015

According to 2013 CoopMetrics data, 30 percent of member co-ops in the National Cooperative Grocers Association have expanded or opened a new store in the last five years; and many more co-ops are

172 May-June 2014 May 29, 2014

It takes a lot to manage a food co-op. Co-op general managers (GMs) are responsible not only for the retail operations but also for budgeting, financial analysis, marketing, inform

183 Mar-Apr 2016 March 28, 2016