Carolee Colter

CDS Consulting Co-op
Carolee Colter is a member of CDS Consulting Co-op and is based in Nelson, British Columbia.

Author's Articles

Title Issue Datesort ascending

One morning Tim found a note in his mail box at the co-op when he arrived for work. It read, "We'll be here to do your evaluation at 4:30 today.

048 September - October - 1993 January 9, 2004

Is it inevitable that all "new wave" co-ops founded in the 1970s will end up with general managers?

051 March - April - 1994 January 9, 2004

"Many a man would rather have you hear his tale than grant his request.
--G.K Chesterton

055 November - December - 1994 January 9, 2004

I don't want to disappoint my readers. This article is not going to tell you where to find a general manager.

061 November - December - 1995 January 9, 2004

How do co-op employees feel about the co-op as an employer? How satisfied are they with their compensation, their working conditions, their supervision, and their co-workers?

063 March - April - 1996 January 9, 2004

What you are trying to find out through an investigation is:

066 September - October - 1996 January 9, 2004

Rather than "salaried or hourly," the question actually should be, "Exempt or non-exempt?

070 May - June - 1997 January 9, 2004

Disaster: a "bad star." That's the derivation of this ancient Greek word. If a comet is hurling toward the earth, or our sun goes super-nova, there is nothing to be done.

079 November - December - 1998 January 9, 2004

"Culture" maybe hard to define, but the signs of a dysfunctional workplace culture are hard to ignore. Do any of these sound like your co-op?

074 January - February - 1998 January 8, 2004

I don't have any statistics on this, but I'd bet that the vast majority of natural foods co-ops started out as collectively run organizations.

082 May - June - 1999 January 8, 2004

Say the board of directors at your co-op has adopted a set of policies to ensure a successor for the general manager. Now management's work begins.

085 November - December - 1999 January 8, 2004

What we love most about co-ops is the emphasis on people.

088 May - June - 2000 January 8, 2004

With the slowing of the economy, many co-ops and other natural food stores are noticing a slight easing in the difficulty of recruiting and retaining workers.

095 July - August - 2001 January 8, 2004

What went wrong?

092 January - February - 2001 January 8, 2004

Why do some people enjoy a job and stay with it for years, while others seem unhappy and eventually leave? Or they stay o

098 January - February - 2002 January 7, 2004

Across the country a movement is building to demand a "livable wage" (or "living wage") for employees.

104 January - February - 2003 January 7, 2004