182 January-February 2016

#182 Funding and Selling "Co-op"
By Dave Gutknecht
Sharing Stories, Struggles, and Solutions
BY Ellen Michel
Co+op Forest Grows
By National Co+op Grocers
Complaints and Operational Concerns: How directors can respond effectively
By Michael Healy
Ten Meat Margin Killers: How to keep your meat margins strong
By Pete Hodgson
Managing the Farmers Market: Lessons from People's Food Co-op
By Chris Moore
Membership Growth Strategies fro Startups
By Ben Sandel
New Capital Campaign Workbook Available
By Stuart Reid
A Golden Jubilee and Capital Idea: CCF program creates another $3 million for co-op development
By David Thompson
Governance Lessons from Co-op Atlantic
By Dave Gutknecht
Organic Valley Principle 6 Fund
By Kim Kafka
Issue's Articles
Title | Issue | Date |
There is much to be thankful for in the world of food cooperatives. |
182 January-February 2016 | February 5, 2016 |
Gaining members quickly and efficiently is a major hurdle for most startup co-ops. |
182 January-February 2016 | February 5, 2016 |
Food Co-op Initiative (FCI) is thrilled to announce its long-awaited Capital Campaign Workbook. This new guide replaces and updates the material in our popular Member Loan Toolbox. |
182 January-February 2016 | February 5, 2016 |
When we talk about growth at NCG, we’re typically talking about how we can improve our positive impacts. One of the ways we are doing that in a literal sense is through Co+op Forest. |
182 January-February 2016 | February 5, 2016 |
As People’s Food Co-op of Kalamazoo’s first three-year contract to manage our city’s century-old Kalamazoo Farmers Market comes to a close and winter settles in, we find ourselves reflecting on wha |
182 January-February 2016 | February 5, 2016 |
To keep that good Karmic wheel spinning with gratitude, CROPP has established a $1 million loan fund with longtime partner-in-cooperation Shared Capital Cooperative (formerly Northcountry Cooperati |
182 January-February 2016 | February 5, 2016 |
Building your meat department’s reputation for variety, high quality, and freshness is a big part of creating loyal customers. |
182 January-February 2016 | February 5, 2016 |
As a director, you may notice or hear things about your co-op that may be cause for concern—or are at least worth asking about. |
182 January-February 2016 | February 5, 2016 |
The dream of a united co-operative system spanning the chain from farmers to consumers has come to an end.” The recent closing of Co-op Atlantic operations signaled the end of a major co-op federat |
182 January-February 2016 | February 5, 2016 |
Got capital? Few topics are as persistent in co-op history. How will the co-op finance improved assets and services that will attract and retain owners? |
182 January-February 2016 | February 5, 2016 |
I’m writing this after a shopping trip to my hometown co-op, Bloomingfoods Market and Deli, where I worked for a dozen years as marketing and outreach manager. |
182 January-February 2016 | February 5, 2016 |