New Capital Campaign Workbook Available

Food Co-op Initiative (FCI) is thrilled to announce its long-awaited Capital Campaign Workbook. This new guide replaces and updates the material in our popular Member Loan Toolbox.
The new workbook incorporates the experience of dozens of co-ops over the last five years and goes beyond the traditional member loan campaign to include preferred shares and other innovative methods of raising capital. The workbook steps the reader through the planning process and specifics of running a successful campaign. With extensive appendices of examples and templates, readers will be able to jump-start their preparations and be assured that they are using tested methods.
Capital campaigns are not limited to startup food co-ops, and the workbook will be equally valuable to established co-ops preparing for expansions and new stores.
The workbook revisions and updates were written by Ben Sandel and Leslie Watson, who are experienced capital campaign consultants from CDS Consulting Co-op, with input from Bill Gessner and FCI staff. Look for the FCI Capital Campaign Workbook in January at, where you can download it free—thanks to the support of our sponsors and the food co-op community.