110 January - February - 2004

Issue Number
Issue Months
January - February
Issue Year
2 004

Issue's Articles

Title Issue Datesort descending

Entering the second year of the fully implemented National Organic Program, we are beginning to see the NOP's impact on a grassroots movement gone "mainstream." Those of us whose business relies on

110 January - February - 2004 December 29, 2003

110 January - February - 2004 December 29, 2003

110 January - February - 2004 December 29, 2003

A proposal to redefine their regional and national associations has generated intense discussion among food cooperative managers and organizational leaders.

110 January - February - 2004 December 29, 2003

New tradition: thanks locally

At the farmers market or a co-op, I'm thankful for wonderful food and the hardworking producers who supply it.

110 January - February - 2004 December 29, 2003

We are what we eat" is certainly not a new idea, but it's still true.

110 January - February - 2004 December 29, 2003

110 January - February - 2004 December 29, 2003

110 January - February - 2004 December 29, 2003

Co-op Kanagawa, the fourth-largest regional co-op in Japan, is located mainly in Kanagawa prefecture just southwest of Tokyo. Membership was 1 million in 2002 and has increased every year.

110 January - February - 2004 December 29, 2003

A recent survey sponsored by the National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA) and a coalition of major national cooperative associations indicated that the public has strong expectations of

110 January - February - 2004 December 29, 2003

110 January - February - 2004 December 29, 2003

During the 1980s and the 1990s, some natural foods co-ops attempted to acquire the skills and know-how of the conventional grocery industry by hiring grocery veterans as general managers.

110 January - February - 2004 December 26, 2008