Stuart Reid

Food Co-op Initiative
Phone Number

Stuart Reid is the Executive Director of Food Co-op Initiative, a non-profit foundation providing technical assistance, information and resources to groups organizing new retail food co-ops across the United States. He served as the Food Co-op Development Specialist for Food Co-op 500 (the pilot project that grew into FCI) for three years. Stuart has an extensive background working with a variety of cooperative and investor-owned businesses. Most recently, he served as General Manager of Just Food: Northfield Community Co-op in Northfield, Minnesota where he had full operational responsibility for its opening and then led the store through its first two successful years. Prior to joining Just Food, Mr. Reid was General Manager of Seward Co-op, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Author's Articles

Title Issuesort descending Date

Food Co-op Initiative Partners with University of Vermont

March 6, 2017

Jacqueline Hannah, former general manager of the Common Ground Food Co-op in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, brings her co-op expertise and passion to Food Co-op Initiative where she will share it with

December 17, 2014

Food Co-op Initiative is thrilled to announce its all-new Guide to Starting a Food Co-op.

March 15, 2017

This year, the 9th annual Up & Coming food co-op conference invited inquiring minds to explore proven theories and bold experimentation in the Co-op Lab.

June 28, 2018

My, how you’ve grown!

June 28, 2018

Food co-op development is often described as coming in “waves.” The first wave co-ops emerged in the early 20th century in response to industrial conditions and the great de

October 20, 2018

It is hard to avoid the irony that huge portions of rural America—our so-called breadbasket—are considered food deserts.

December 16, 2018

We are pleased to announce that Renaissance Community Co-op has been chosen as the FCI Startup of the Year and will accept their award in person at CCMA on Friday, June 10th.

May 29, 2016

At 7:00 p.m. on December 15, Just Food opened its doors for the first time to a waiting crowd.

117 March - April - 2005 January 21, 2009
139 November - December - 2008 December 27, 2008
144 September - October - 2009 September 22, 2009

John Curl has documented a part of America’s cooperative history that few of us are aware of.

146 January - February - 2010 December 31, 2009

Once a year or so, I have been writing about the work of Food Co-op 500 and the newly forming co-ops that we support.

147 March - April - 2010 March 22, 2010

Five years of hard work and a million dollars in owner investment have resulted in the store the community dreamed of.

150 September - October 2010 October 5, 2010

How do you start a new retail food co-op? Can you give me a checklist and a budget? I’ll take it from there!

149 July - August - 2010* October 15, 2010

St. Peter Food Co-op in Minnesota ­reincorporated under Minn. 308b ­statutes, one of the first state limited cooperative associations (LCA) options, in 2007.

151 November - December 2010 December 8, 2010

Try to define "buying club." Is it a food co-op without a storefront? A stepping stone to a future retail store? A group effort to buy food as cheaply as possible?

160 May - June - 2012 June 4, 2012

Cultivating cooperation, by its nature, means working with many different groups.

155 July - August - 2011 August 28, 2011

When Food Co-op 500 was founded in late 2004, it took its name from Marilyn Scholl's challenge to the co-op community to build our sector to 500 storefronts within the next 10 years.

154 May - June - 2011 April 25, 2011

Six years ago, Food Co-op 500 started with a ­volunteer task force and no staff.

152 January - February - 2011 February 3, 2011