Karen Zimbelman

Karen Zimbelman is the Senior Director of Membership and Cooperative Relations at National Co+op Grocers.
Author's Articles
Title | Issue |
Date![]() |
104 January - February - 2003 | January 7, 2004 |
100 May - June - 2002 | January 7, 2004 |
098 January - February - 2002 | January 7, 2004 |
The Cooperative Grocers Information Network -- CGIN -- held its fifth annual meeting at the June CCMA conference this year. For those of you who were unable to join us, highlights included: |
102 September - October - 2002 | January 7, 2004 |
097 November - December - 2001 | January 8, 2004 | |
CGIN was pleased to unveil a new service to members in June: a photo gallery. |
096 September - October - 2001 | January 8, 2004 |
Members are the lifeblood of a co-op: a truism of cooperatives. Without members, a co-ops wouldn't be a co-op; it would be just another local grocery store. |
080 January - February - 1999 | January 8, 2004 |
Does the idea of planning sessions with your co-op board of directors fill you with dread? Do you spend more time talking about planning than actually doing any planning? |
086 January - February - 2000 | January 8, 2004 |
092 January - February - 2001 | January 8, 2004 |
I wish I could say it is a rare occurrence, but unfortunately I get these disturbing calls all too often. |
075 March - April - 1998 | January 9, 2004 |
Are any of these scenarios familiar to you? |
070 May - June - 1997 | January 9, 2004 |
In 1995, an international consortium of co-op academics and practitioners collaborated on a book called Making Membership Meaningful: Participatory Democracy in Co-operatives. |
072 September - October - 1997 | January 9, 2004 |
Do your board meetings have any of these features? |
068 January - February - 1997 | January 9, 2004 |
How do co-op employees feel about the co-op as an employer? How satisfied are they with their compensation, their working conditions, their supervision, and their co-workers? |
063 March - April - 1996 | January 9, 2004 |
Without a doubt, a co-op's board of directors plays a key role in the co-op's success. |
060 September - October - 1995 | January 9, 2004 |
"A grievance has been filed against the co-op." These words almost invariably cause an immediate emotional reaction in everyone connected to the co-op. |
055 November - December - 1994 | January 9, 2004 |
"You clearly have a lot of very dedicated people working in co-ops in the States -- because there's only a limited co-op system here to support them." |
050 January - February - 1994 | January 9, 2004 |
Without a doubt, an effective board of directors requires smooth and well-planned internal systems. |
052 May - June - 1994 | January 9, 2004 |
Mary manages the co-op's produce department by day. Then, on a regular basis she joins other co-op board members to meet and review management's reports and recommendations. |
044 January - February - 1993 | January 9, 2004 |
One morning Tim found a note in his mail box at the co-op when he arrived for work. It read, "We'll be here to do your evaluation at 4:30 today. |
048 September - October - 1993 | January 9, 2004 |