Dave Gutknecht

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Dave Gutknecht has been editor of Cooperative Grocer magazine since its founding in 1985.

Author's Articles

Title Issuesort descending Date

The Sustainable Food Trade Association continues its work to advance sustainability and transparency in the organic food industry.

December 17, 2014

March 23 is the deadline for the 2018 Cooperative Excellence awards to be presented at the June CCMA (Consumer Cooperative Management Association) conference.  Sponsored by Cooperative Development

February 20, 2018

In a time of confused voices, it is important to expose what is merely denial, however comforting, and to state what is well-supported, however discomforting.

March 31, 2018

Fifty years ago this April, after speaking out powerfully against racism, militarism, and extreme materialism, Martin Luther King was killed—yet his message still resounds.

June 28, 2018

Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op (SNFC) completed a $9.5M relocation project and on October 12 opened its beautiful new store in California’s capitol.

March 6, 2017

Congratulations to Prairie Roots Food Co-op, which opened its new store in Fargo, North Dakota, after more than six years of preparation.

September 7, 2017

In June of 2017, Randy Lee was recognized at CCMA by colleagues from across the U.S. and presented with a Cooperative Service award.

June 28, 2018

Preventing Vitamin A deficiency and blindness in Third World circumstances has become a compassionate hook for dependence on transnational corporate domination of agriculture.

June 9, 2016

At the end of May and the onset of June, a spirited crowd of 425 food co-op managers, directors, trainers, and allies met in Portland, Oregon, for three days of intens

July 12, 2018

The death recently of my good friend of five decades, Bruce Bacon, is another reminder to enjoy what remains and also look to the future. 

December 6, 2017

The annual granting of CCMA awards for excellence and service is managed by the Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF: cdf.coop) with assistance from past winners of these awards

July 12, 2018

Only to the degree that people are unsettled is there any hope for them. 

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

April 3, 2017

Susan McGaughey has been a leader at Valley Natural Foods in suburban Burnsville, Minnesota, for 37 of the co-op’s 40 years.

December 6, 2017

Two widely used co-op education publications from the USDA are newly available in Spanish, thanks to the Cooperative Development Foundation and a grant from CHS Foundation:  "How to Start a Co-op"

August 3, 2018

Earth is flat and infinite, according to paid experts. Funny Times

December 6, 2017

Here is good food for thought, grouped under two themes: approaches to internal cooperation and business strategy; improving equity, diversity, and inclusion in food co-ops.

October 21, 2018

Vermont’s City Market/Onion River Co-op, formerly a large single-store operation, will open its second location in late fall 2017.

December 6, 2017

Got cooperative conflict? Democratically discuss and decide.

Got social decline? Democratically resist and rebuild.

December 16, 2018

The excellent contributions in this issue [#200, Cooperative Grocer] can speak for themselves. After four decades as editor of U.S.

February 2, 2019


February 8, 2018