Urban Greens Food Co-op Launches Community Investment Campaign

Urban Greens Food Co-op, a full-service grocery store slated to be built in Providence’s west side, launched a community investment campaign on Wednesday to attract residents to invest in the locally-owned business.
Board member and investor Cassie Tharinger said, “This campaign let me make a meaningful investment — a true capital investment with an anticipated financial return — in a local project with core values that I believe in and want to support.”
The campaign is registered as a direct public offering and will offer public preferred stock with a minimum annual return of 2 percent to any state resident, including non-accredited investors. To offset opening costs, Urban Greens hopes to raise $600,000 by the end of the month – as of the end of May they had previously raised $103,500.
The planned 8,000-square-foot Urban Greens Food Co-op facility will replace the Louttit Laundry building at 93 Cranston St. and serve an area that currently lacks a full-scale grocery store.
According to its website, Urban Greens is projected to open in fall 2017, 12 months from the start of construction.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. by Emily Gowdey-Backus
Providence Business News Staff Writer
Wed. June 1, 2016
Learn more about the investment campaign http://www.urbangreens.com/