Take Ownership During Co-op Month October 2015

When It Comes to Buying Local, Co-ops Wrote the Book


When it comes to buying local, co-ops wrote the book. That’s because cooperatives are homegrown by everyday people who join together to solve a problem or meet a need. Did you know the co-ops in your community are owned and democratically controlled by people just like you?

Cooperatives are part of America’s do-it-yourself tradition. With a proven track record, cooperatives are everywhere, in every industry, including credit unions, farmer co-ops, energy co-ops, food co-ops, and more!

While many businesses are strictly motivated by profit, co-ops exist first and foremost to deliver quality goods and services to their members. Revenues are returned to the co-op’s member-owners in the form of enhanced services or dividend checks. Co-ops operate for the economic benefit of their members while giving back to their communities.

Cooperatives are independent, yet collaborative. Co-op members actively participate in setting policies and making decisions for their co-op. From attending the annual meeting to serving on the co-op’s board of directors, people who belong to cooperatives have a real stake in their economic destiny.

Wisconsin was one of the first states to enact a law authorizing cooperatives in 1887. Today it is one of the top cooperative business states in the nation, with more than 700 Wisconsin-based cooperatives serving a collective 3 million member-owners. One in three Americans is a member of a co-op. That’s a trend you can trust!

October is Co-op Month, a celebration of the many ways co-ops are building better communities through the power of cooperation. Wild Root Market is Racine’s up and coming food co-op. Why sit on the sidelines and just be a consumer when you can act like you own the place! Now is the perfect time to join the Wild Root Market, during our Co-op Month October New Owner Challenge — 31 owners in 31 days!

Want to know what’s to love about food co-ops? Check out this fun animated infographic from Co-op Stronger Together.

National Co+op Grocers Why do I shop at a co-op.

National Co+op Grocers: Why do I shop at the co-op video.

Then take action! Subscribe to the Wild Root Market free e-newsletter or join the co-op as a Pioneering Member-Owner today.
