Lakewinds Co-ops Launching a Maker-to-Market Initiative

Lakewinds Food Co-ops, with stores in Richfield, Minnetonka and Chanhassen, have opened 2017 by launching a first-of-its-kind Maker to Market incubator program to connect makers, farmers and retailers and foster long-term economic success for all involved.
The co-op is partnering with the Good Acre, a nonprofit food hub with a licensed commercial kitchen that primarily works with low-income, immigrant and independent farmers. The goal is for independent food makers to turn their ideas into reality using the harvest of small Minnesota farmers. Once there, the Lakewinds team will help with marketing and retailing at its co-ops.
They're seeking applications from local and regional food producers not currently selling in retail. Products will be evaluated for program selection based on taste, uniqueness of the product, trend in category, adherence to Lakewinds product standards, and number of ingredients with the potential to be sourced from the Good Acre Farmer Network.
Find details and a link to apply.
Applications will be accepted until Jan. 30.
Kim Ode in the MSP Star-Tribune, Jan 12, 2017