Fredericksburg Food Co-op Holds July 2017 Photo Contest

The Fredericksburg Food Co-op now has 450 members and you could be number 451 for free.
The cooperative, which hopes to establish a local, sustainable grocery store after reaching 1,000 members, is hosting a photo contest through July in partnership with the Fredericksburg Department of Economic Development and Tourism.
The contest is open to the public. To participate, post your favorite photo of Fredericksburg to the Fredericksburg Food Co-op’s Facebook page with the hashtag #freddelish and finish the sentence “Fredericksburg is delicious because...” as its caption.
Five winning photos will be chosen after the July 31 deadline and the winners will each receive a membership for themselves or a friend.
Member–owners make a one-time investment of $200 per household.
The food cooperative is a business owned and controlled by its member-owners. Co-ops sell food and related items to members and nonmembers, but rather than seeking to maximize profits, cooperatives make decisions based on maximizing service to their member–owners and the community.
Lindley Estes, The Free-Lance Star for July 3, 2017