Former Trinidad Food Co-op Reopens with New Name and Location

Trinidad, Colorado: The former Trinidad Food Co-op reopens its doors with a new name & new location.
The Trinidad Food Co-op has moved and is rebranding! Thanks to a partnership with Denver developer Dana Crawford & the City of Trinidad, we will now be “doing business as” Comida Market , opening January 9th.
The new location is in the former Hadad’s furniture store located at 131. E Main St in historic downtown Trinidad. Our hours of operation will be 7 days a week 9am-7pm. What does this move means for members? As Co-op members it is in our best interest to support and even invest in the Co-op to help it reach its full potential. As a profit-sharing business, when the Co-op turns a profit it gets distributed back to all the members.
You do not need to be a member to shop. What this move means for local producers and artisans: With the new Comida Market, the Co-op will be able to better support our local producers , whether you’re a baker, farmer, herbalist, craftsman, or cook. We currently buy from over 25 local producers, and are looking for more.
The new Comida Market will operate with volunteer members as well as being fully staffed with paid management.
New additions to our space include:
● 3 times the inventory of our previous location, including regional & local produce (when in season.)
● Community education classes & onstaff nutritionists.
● A large, clean retail space, including a cozy book nook with a self-check out reference library focused on health and environmental sustainability, free wifi service, & a community information exchange board.
● Phase 2 of the move is to offer prepared foods, a juice bar, and a café with a community kitchen. (coming Spring/Summer)
“It’s a local economic booster,” says Joni Steiner, founding member. “There are no profits going to any corporate entity at all. All of the profits go to the people who believe in it. The percentage that you spend here is tied to your dividend at the end of the year (w/$40 annual membership), so the more you shop here the more you’re going to get back. Most food co-ops were started by people who realized that their nutritional needs were not being met by the traditional for-profit food production system. Those folks created food co-ops to meet their needs and earn some profit through their memberships. Now we have an opportunity, after seven years, to grow and expand our services. It’s something we’ve looked forward to all of this time, because we knew we would grow out of that space. Being able to be in the downtown area is really a gift to us.”
For more information on Comida Market, and its partners in the Trinidad Food Hub, visit
Comida Market
[email protected]