Food Co-op Joins Nationwide Call for Kindness

During the month of April, employees at Friendly City Food Co-op will keep track of their kind acts.
"Co-ops operate under seven different principles, the seventh being concern for community. The kindness campaign came out of that idea," said Lindsay Denny, the Brand Coordinator at Friendly City Food Co-op.The grocery store is taking part in #Coops4Kindness, a campaign to leave a positive impact on communities nationwide.
The 40 employees at the Harrisonburg store are tasked to complete 102 acts of kindness before the end of the month.
"Whether we're at work, being kind to our co-workers or our customers, or whether we're at home and it's family, friends, neighbors. Anything, anywhere, anytime that shows kindness," said Denny.
Employees will list their acts of kindness on a board in the back of the store.
Denny said the hope is the hashtag "#Coops4Kindness" will have one million acts of kindness by October.
Denny said the Friendly City Food Co-op is encouraging other co-ops in the region to join in on the effort.