First Alternative, Second Store

From #109, November-December 2003
First Alternative, Second Store

In its small market in western Oregon, First Alternative opened a second store May 1, 2003. The new store has 4,000 square feet in retail and 6,000 square feet total, while the main store has 7,000 square feet in retail plus a total of 9,000 square feet in two buildings for receiving, kitchen, backstock, offices, etc.
Grand Opening events were held in late September. As anticipated, the new store "cannibalized" sales at the old store, yet total sales growth showed continued strong growth.
The new store, located in an established neighborhood, appears to be meeting convenience needs and is seeing high customer counts, low average transactions, and large sales of lower margin items.
Thanks for assistance from Dana, Michelle, and Sonya at First Alternative.-ed.
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