Paul Cultrera

Paul Cultrera
Sacramento Natural Foods Cooperative
Paul Cultrera is general manager at Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op in Sacramento, California.

Author's Articles

Title Issue Date

In the autumn of 2008, as the national economy began its nosedive, sales trends at the Sacramento Natural Foods Cooperative began to mirror that dive.

168 September-October 2013 October 14, 2013

Like most food cooperatives, the Sacramento and Davis co-ops have longstanding and strong commitments to purchasing from and supporting local farms.

154 May - June - 2011 April 25, 2011
137 July - August - 2008 July 2, 2009

"Non-Working, Non-Worrying" member Paul Cultrera responds to the article about exemptions for co-op member labor programs in the July-August 1991 issue of Cooperative Gro

036 September - October - 1991 January 9, 2004
"About 41% of retailers have, or are in the process of developing, databases that will enable them to track consumer purchases, as well as behavioral and demographic data."
071 July - August - 1997 January 9, 2004
Democracy Works
104 January - February - 2003 January 8, 2004