A Message from the CGN Board President

Having a place to ask questions, receive answers, give answers, and build relationships is an important part of our success as food co-ops and cooperators. An amazing wealth of information and resources is housed on our CGN website, and the new platform allows even greater possibilities for engagement and community building.
Each of you has a part to play in the future success of our new website and our organization as a whole. CGN is no better than the sum of its parts. It is at its core a P6 activity—cooperation among cooperatives and cooperators. It is also all about P5 since our contributions to the Discussion Groups or to the Resource Library serve to inform and educate us in a collaborative way. Plus, we get to know each other on a deeper level, so that when we meet again in the non-virtual world, there is less catching up to do, and we can get on with conversations focused on the expansive future ahead of us.
I personally invite you to rediscover CGN. Give the new site a spin, kick the tires, and post a question or share a resource you’ve developed. Renew your commitment to being an active player in the CGN community. It takes everyone and every voice to drive our success. Don’t hesitate to give us your feedback or suggestions. CGN is here for you.
The CGN Board of Directors – November 2015
Annie Hoy – 2016
Ashland Food Co-op
Martha Whitman – 2018 Treasurer
La Montanita Food Co-op
Douglas Walter – 2016 Secretary
Davis Food Co-op
Marc BrownGold – 2017 Willy Street Co-op
Dan Gillotte – 2017 Wheatsville Food Co-op
Eric Struve – 2016 Outpost Natural Foods
Zafra Whitcomb – 2018 Belfast Co-op