Sarah Dahl

CDS Consulting Co-op
Phone Number

EXPERTISE: Compensation Analysis, Employee Surveys, Human Resources Systems, Tools and Training

Author's Articles

Title Issue Datesort descending

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, or FLSA, is a federal statute that provides certain protections to workers.

180 Sept-Oct 2015 November 6, 2015

There are two commonly seen staffing problems in co-ops that may at first seem unrelated: 

180 Sept-Oct 2015 November 13, 2015

When it comes to pay raises, what is fair and what is equitable?

December 21, 2015

Half of National Co+op Grocers member co-ops surveyed are under pressure to increase staff wages, according to a 2015 report. This pressure is not unique to co-ops.

183 Mar-Apr 2016 March 28, 2016
From Sarah Dahl at CDS CC, July 15, 2016: As we wrote about in the 
July 15, 2016

Except perhaps for the lucky few of them still enjoying double-digit growth and staff satisfaction with wages, most co-ops are constrained by limited personnel dollars.

187 Nov-Dec 2016 January 3, 2017

No one is a perfect communicator, and no co-op experiences completely effective communication at all times.

191 July-August 2017 February 10, 2018

It’s hard to understand how something as benevolent as paying a living wage could cause resentment within the workforce.

March 31, 2018