CGN Board Election 2017

Hello members and friends of Cooperative Grocer Network!
CGN continues to grow as an important resource in our food co-op community. As members of the CGN 2017 nominating committee, we are notifying you of our upcoming board election and asking you to consider running for the board. We also appreciate suggestions about potential candidates we might not yet be aware of—people who value CGN and hope to have a stronger voice in the broader world of food co-ops. Service on the CGN board is a professional development opportunity for those who value the resources of the greater food co-op community.
There are two open spots this year on our seven-person board. Staff as well as directors of member co-ops and associate member organizations are eligible to run. We value diversity in terms of race, role, age, and region. We hope to represent a range of perspectives among people willing to advocate for and work on behalf of CGN. It is not necessary to have previous board experience.
Cooperative Grocer Network is committed to being a positive learning community for people involved with food co-ops. Our members are stakeholders with many different roles.The co-ops we serve range from startup groups to the largest multi-store organizations, and our goal is to have a board that reflects and is enthused about this mix. We work together in a positive climate of mutual support, challenging each other and everyone involved with CGN to help fulfill its mission and vision.
Applications are due to [email protected] by May 31, 2017.
Below, please find the requirements and other information about being a board director of
CGN, as well as a PDF of the candidate application.
Thank you for your consideration,
Annie Hoy, CGN Board President, Ashland Food Co-op
Zafra Whitcomb, Board Vice President, Belfast Food Co-op
Martha Whitman, CGN Board Treasurer, CDS Consulting Co-op
Erika Gavin, At-Large, Hanover Co-op Food Stores
Eric Struve, At-Large, Outpost Natural Foods
Nominating Committee 2017 • Cooperative Grocer Network
CGN’s bylaws require that an individual must be affiliated with and authorized by a primary or associate member to serve on the CGN board. Additionally, no CGN member organization may have more than one person serving on the board of directors at a time.
Board Structure
CGN’s board of directors is made up of seven elected directors. All directors are elected by CGN members on an at-large basis, with one vote for each food co-op. Only CGN’s primary members (retail co-ops) have voting authority, although members of Associate Member groups are eligible to run for the CGN board. No more than one candidate may run from any single co-op or other organization.
CGN board meetings typically take place once a month, with some exceptions as determined by the board. Meetings generally last one hour, followed by a half-hour executive session. Additional conference call meetings may be scheduled as needed. Refer to the schedule below for upcoming meetings through January 2018.
Board members are expected to attend and participate in every meeting, giving sufficient notice if unable to do so. Dates are scheduled one year in advance to avoid conflicts and help ensure full attendance. Per CGN’s bylaws, directors may be automatically removed if they miss three board meetings in a year.
The CGN board plans to hold a retreat in March 2018 in conjunction with the Up & Coming Food Co-op Conference, to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The board requests that all board members plan to attend this meeting in person if possible.
Governance Style
CGN has an operational board that occasionally makes use of committees to get specific tasks done. The standing committees are Nominations and Elections, and Executive Director Evaluation and Compensation. Other committees are ad hoc. CGN board service is estimated at three hours per month.
Board terms are for three years and begin with the first meeting after the election.
Compensation and Board requirements
CGN is committed to reimbursing directors for all expenses incurred in their service, although the budget to do so is limited. Directors are asked to communicate their expenses and needs for reimbursement to the CGN office to avoid cost overruns. No compensation is provided for board service. A director’s co-op or associate member organization typically covers the costs for a director to attend CCMA, and CCMA attendance is not a requirement for serving on the CGN board. Some costs for the CGN Annual Retreat are reimbursed by CGN.
For further information, contact members of the nominating committee or the CGN office: Ellen Michel, [email protected] or [email protected]