158 January - February - 2012

Issue Number
Issue Months
Jan. - Feb.
Issue Year
2 012

Issue's Articles

Title Issue Datesort descending

The Occupy movement in the U.S. (there also are international manifestations) is one of the more encouraging recent developments in the present political environment.

158 January - February - 2012 January 18, 2012

Cooperative Enterprises Build a Better World." The International Year of Cooperatives is underway, after being officially launched in late October at the United Nations.

158 January - February - 2012 January 18, 2012

When the president of the United Nations General Assembly invited Dame Pauline Green to come to the iconic green marble podium, a billion proud cooperators walked with her.

158 January - February - 2012 January 18, 2012

Happy International Year of Cooperatives! 

158 January - February - 2012 January 18, 2012

While most New Orleanians wouldn’t call themselves foodies, they are known for their love of food. "Makin’ groceries" is a traditional term used for food shopping in New Orleans.

158 January - February - 2012 January 18, 2012

One of the issues that faces startup co-ops is how best to use their oftentimes limited resources to get the most impact in equity, publicity, and community support.

158 January - February - 2012 January 18, 2012

Summary: our previous article was on the balance sheet, and after our review below of the income statement, a subsequent installment will cover internal controls and cash management.

158 January - February - 2012 January 18, 2012

In a small, rural community in the Upper Peninsula (U.P.) of Michigan, a vibrant cooperative grocery store is proving to be a growing local economic player.

158 January - February - 2012 January 18, 2012

Food has an amazing way of bringing people together. We all relate to the fact that we need to eat, every day.

158 January - February - 2012 January 18, 2012

When many retail food cooperatives were formed in the 1970s, the distinctions among worker cooperatives, consumer cooperatives and not-for-profit corporations were not considered to be barriers to

158 January - February - 2012 January 18, 2012